Worst case scenario for GS dlc - Total War: Warhammer (2024)

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Worst case scenario for GS dlc - Total War: Warhammer (1)


Ruthless Greenskin

Justice for savage orcs


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Worst case scenario for GS dlc - Total War: Warhammer (5)

3 days ago

Jun 26, 2024, 8:08:34 PM

Gorbad wasn’t my first choice GS LL but I think he should be fun and I’m excited for the dlc. But I’m fearful that some of the following possibilities:

1. We don’t get a generic savage orc lord/ hero option with this dlc

2. A bolt thrower (spear chukka) is paid dlc

3. Weapon variants are paid dlc. Orcs with spears and Borcs with variants are good but not as dlc

4. Big stabba is a dlc unit. It’s a funny unit but will serve no purpose in SP

5. We don’t get any savage orc RoRs

6. Snagla and forest goblins never make it into the game

7. Gorfang never becomes a proper LL

8. No gigantic spider riders. This one is more personal preference but this would be an awesome and fun unit with an actual niche in the GS roster and I worry it might not fit Gorbads theme

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Worst case scenario for GS dlc - Total War: Warhammer (6)


Dark Master

"By the fires of Hashut, let them burn in the flames of eternal torment!"- Anonymous


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3 days ago

Jun 26, 2024, 8:16:40 PM

I don't see the point in thinking about a worst case scenario just for the sake of it, you are trying to get upset for no reason.

Not to mention that some of your points don't even make sense, why are spear chukkas and the Big Stabba not worth being DLC? They are new units that serve a new purpose in the GS roster that wasn't filled before, not to mention that they would require new models and animations.

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Worst case scenario for GS dlc - Total War: Warhammer (11)


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3 days ago

Jun 26, 2024, 8:24:39 PM

Theo91#7431 wrote:
We don’t get a generic savage orc lord/ hero option with this dlc

Orc Great Shaman is the only archetype missing, and since there is already Orc Warboss in the game, adding Savage Orc Great Shaman is reasonable thing to do.

Theo91#7431 wrote:
A bolt thrower (spear chukka) is paid dlc

It will be.

Theo91#7431 wrote:
Weapon variants are paid dlc. Orcs with spears and Borcs with variants are good but not as dlc

Black Orcs don't even need variants, they need to be able to swap their weapons.

Theo91#7431 wrote:
Big stabba is a dlc unit.

It will be.

Theo91#7431 wrote:
Snagla and forest goblins never make it into the game

There are already forest goblins in the game.

Theo91#7431 wrote:
Gorfang never becomes a proper LL

He probably won't.

Theo91#7431 wrote:
No gigantic spider riders.


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Worst case scenario for GS dlc - Total War: Warhammer (16)



A LH should never replace a LL. Generic lord & hero options for all races involved in a DLC. May Tzeentch change the ways for the better.


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3 days ago

Jun 26, 2024, 8:42:05 PM

Theo91#7431 wrote:

Gorbad wasn’t my first choice GS LL but I think he should be fun and I’m excited for the dlc. But I’m fearful that some of the following possibilities:

1. We don’t get a generic savage orc lord/ hero option with this dlc

2. A bolt thrower (spear chukka) is paid dlc

3. Weapon variants are paid dlc. Orcs with spears and Borcs with variants are good but not as dlc

4. Big stabba is a dlc unit. It’s a funny unit but will serve no purpose in SP

5. We don’t get any savage orc RoRs

6. Snagla and forest goblins never make it into the game

7. Gorfang never becomes a proper LL

8. No gigantic spider riders. This one is more personal preference but this would be an awesome and fun unit with an actual niche in the GS roster and I worry it might not fit Gorbads theme

1. Agree

2. Why is that bad? Its a new unit for the Greenskins.

3. Greenskins need a lot of weapon variants. I don't mind paying to recieve a bunch of them.

4. Again new unit. Could be made viable.

5. Don't care about RoRs at all

6. I'd rather complete the Greenskins as they are, rather than getting Snagla and getting half-finished holes.

7. Bad, but I personally have no connection to him

8. Should not come if there aren't Forest Goblins

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3 days ago

Jun 26, 2024, 8:44:05 PM

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:

I don't see the point in thinking about a worst case scenario just for the sake of it, you are trying to get upset for no reason.

Not to mention that some of your points don't even make sense, why are spear chukkas and the Big Stabba not worth being DLC? They are new units that serve a new purpose in the GS roster that wasn't filled before, not to mention that they would require new models and animations.

you know the negative mindset have to be uphold

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Worst case scenario for GS dlc - Total War: Warhammer (26)




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3 days ago

Jun 26, 2024, 10:58:48 PM

in 8th edition Gorbad was the only Lord missing from the Greenskins roster (Snagla and Gitilla being Heroes) so it is logical that he was the one chosen.

Furthermore, in his lore, it was the greenskin character who was the most gifted at using any unit to its full potential.

So it's perfect because the Greenskin roster is incomplete but completely disparate, with it it maintains a consistency of surely having squig unit units, Savage Orc characters and missing variants of just about everything.

So unlike a worst-case scenario, it is undoubtedly the best choice that was made here.

I would like to see a Forest Goblin theme also arrive, but I think Snagla will be the legendary hero in my opinion...It's a missed opportunity but it won't be the first nor the last unfortunately. We may still be surprised in the future, we will see.

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Worst case scenario for GS dlc - Total War: Warhammer (31)



When push comes to shove,you gotta do what you love.Even if it's not a good idea.


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3 days ago

Jun 27, 2024, 6:24:00 AM

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:
I don't see the point in thinking about a worst case scenario just for the sake of it, you are trying to get upset for no reason.

There's an extremely good reason. These are the kinds of things CA has screwed up repeatedly in the past.

And since they claim to "be watching the forums", listing things you DON'T want to happen is how you convey to CA that...you don't want them to happen.

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Worst case scenario for GS dlc - Total War: Warhammer (36)


Ruthless Greenskin

Justice for savage orcs


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Worst case scenario for GS dlc - Total War: Warhammer (40)

3 days ago

Jun 27, 2024, 6:47:27 AM

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:

I don't see the point in thinking about a worst case scenario just for the sake of it, you are trying to get upset for no reason.

Not to mention that some of your points don't even make sense, why are spear chukkas and the Big Stabba not worth being DLC? They are new units that serve a new purpose in the GS roster that wasn't filled before, not to mention that they would require new models and animations.

If the dlc is quite a while away, I’m hoping CA stays away from these points

For the spear chukka and big stabba, I get that people say they’re official units which need a new model. My point is in SP, they’re incredibly boring units. You might go whole campaigns without recruiting a bolt thrower because you skip it for the rock lobber. And if you do recruit it, at most you’re getting one per army. Compare that to gigantic spider riders… they’re fun and you’ll likely recruit 3 or 4 (or more) per army as they serve a useful purpose. The same is broadly true for the big stabba where you don’t really need them in SP

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Worst case scenario for GS dlc - Total War: Warhammer (41)


Ruthless Greenskin

Justice for savage orcs


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Worst case scenario for GS dlc - Total War: Warhammer (45)

3 days ago

Jun 27, 2024, 6:52:00 AM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:
I don't see the point in thinking about a worst case scenario just for the sake of it, you are trying to get upset for no reason.

There's an extremely good reason. These are the kinds of things CA has screwed up repeatedly in the past.

And since they claim to "be watching the forums", listing things you DON'T want to happen is how you convey to CA that...you don't want them to happen.

Exactly my point. Everything I listed for me is subjective so I guess people might disagree.

Take black orcs getting the armed to the teef mechanic. Black orcs are already I game, do I don’t think it’s reasonable to make one of the 5 units in the dlc a fix from 7 years ago or whenever black or a were released. If they give them the ability to swap weapons it should be flc

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Worst case scenario for GS dlc - Total War: Warhammer (46)


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3 days ago

Jun 27, 2024, 6:53:26 AM

Theo91#7431 wrote:
The same is broadly true for the big stabba where you don’t really need them in SP

Based on what?

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Worst case scenario for GS dlc - Total War: Warhammer (51)


Ruthless Greenskin

Justice for savage orcs


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Worst case scenario for GS dlc - Total War: Warhammer (55)

3 days ago

Jun 27, 2024, 7:04:53 AM

SerPus#7395 wrote:

Theo91#7431 wrote:
The same is broadly true for the big stabba where you don’t really need them in SP

Based on what?

Because it will be two orcs acting as a single entity running around with a big spear. It’s effectively a slow single entity with a huge AL bonus with id guess around 300 WS.

The entity won’t do enough damage to be useful against infantry or ranged units. And it will be two slow to catch cav or big monsters. It won’t have any of the benefits of units like the giant or heirotitan such as huge hp pool or high armour, and those units are generally considered bad in the first place.

I just can’t see any circ*mstance where the big stabba is at all useful and you might take it over a unit of big uns or big un cav or orcs with spears (if they’re added as flc with the update)

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Worst case scenario for GS dlc - Total War: Warhammer (56)


Faithful Defender

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3 days ago

Jun 27, 2024, 7:06:56 AM

My worst part is here and it is Gorbad, who is cool, but Gortfang would be so much better...

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Worst case scenario for GS dlc - Total War: Warhammer (61)


Ruthless Greenskin

Justice for savage orcs


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3 days ago

Jun 27, 2024, 7:07:11 AM

the big stabbas greatest contribution to the game will be an okoi meme video where he gets 19 of them and they run around being both hilarious and useless like his grail reliquary doomstack

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Worst case scenario for GS dlc - Total War: Warhammer (66)


Ruthless Greenskin

Justice for savage orcs


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Worst case scenario for GS dlc - Total War: Warhammer (70)

3 days ago

Jun 27, 2024, 7:08:54 AM

TancredIIQuenelles#3970 wrote:
My worst part is here and it is Gorbad, who is cool, but Gortfang would be so much better...

For me they’re equal. I think they’re both orcs and they’re both cool characters. I don’t mind which CA goes for… I’m confident CA will make them fun.

Gorfang has a story tied to black krag but gorbad has a more open ended story so they can add something interesting for him

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Worst case scenario for GS dlc - Total War: Warhammer (71)


Ruthless Greenskin

Justice for savage orcs


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Worst case scenario for GS dlc - Total War: Warhammer (75)

3 days ago

Jun 27, 2024, 7:12:19 AM

SerPus#7395 wrote:

Theo91#7431 wrote:
We don’t get a generic savage orc lord/ hero option with this dlc

Orc Great Shaman is the only archetype missing, and since there is already Orc Warboss in the game, adding Savage Orc Great Shaman is reasonable thing to do.

Theo91#7431 wrote:
A bolt thrower (spear chukka) is paid dlc

It will be.

Theo91#7431 wrote:
Weapon variants are paid dlc. Orcs with spears and Borcs with variants are good but not as dlc

Black Orcs don't even need variants, they need to be able to swap their weapons.

Theo91#7431 wrote:
Big stabba is a dlc unit.

It will be.

Theo91#7431 wrote:
Snagla and forest goblins never make it into the game

There are already forest goblins in the game.

Theo91#7431 wrote:
Gorfang never becomes a proper LL

He probably won't.

Theo91#7431 wrote:
No gigantic spider riders.


If black orcs got the ability to switch weapons that would be great but that shouldn’t be dlc. It’s fixing a unit that’s been in game forever

I’ve mentioned above why I’m against the spear chukka and Big stabba.

Forest goblins have one unit in game. I’d hardly call that in game as you can’t run thematic armies/ campaigns

Why are you against gigantic spider riders. Not only are they super cool, they’re thematic if you want spider themed armies and also they fill a roster gap with monstrous cav with poison and strider

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Worst case scenario for GS dlc - Total War: Warhammer (76)


Faithful Defender

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3 days ago

Jun 27, 2024, 7:16:28 AM

Theo91#7431 wrote:

TancredIIQuenelles#3970 wrote:
My worst part is here and it is Gorbad, who is cool, but Gortfang would be so much better...

For me they’re equal. I think they’re both orcs and they’re both cool characters. I don’t mind which CA goes for… I’m confident CA will make them fun.

Gorfang has a story tied to black krag but gorbad has a more open ended story so they can add something interesting for him

Yes, they are both cool and nostalgic as well as Morglum starting from 4th edition. But for me Gorbad as well as Vlad and Isabella are dead at the current timeline so l prefer those who are certainly alive. But l respect the rule of coolness affording such iconic guys to pop up - they are not Alberic-Ghrost style disasters.

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3 days ago

Jun 27, 2024, 7:21:03 AM

Theo91#7431 wrote:
Because it will be two orcs acting as a single entity running around with a big spear. It’s effectively a slow single entity with a huge AL bonus with id guess around 300 WS.

Why would it be a single entity?

Theo91#7431 wrote:
I just can’t see any circ*mstance where the big stabba is at all useful and you might take it over a unit of big uns or big un cav or orcs with spears (if they’re added as flc with the update)

They have bigger stabba, probably dealing more damage than spears.

Theo91#7431 wrote:
If black orcs got the ability to switch weapons that would be great but that shouldn’t be dlc. It’s fixing a unit that’s been in game forever

How could it possibly be a part of DLC? it's not like CA will sell patch to update Black Orcs?

Theo91#7431 wrote:
Forest goblins have one unit in game.

They have three units in the game.

Theo91#7431 wrote:
Why are you against gigantic spider riders.

Not only it's not a real unit, they are basically slightly bigger version of unit that already exist in the game. Right now there are small spiders, medium spiders and big spiders. Inventing unit of slightly bigger medium spiders is the least interesting thing CA could do.

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Worst case scenario for GS dlc - Total War: Warhammer (90)

3 days ago

Jun 27, 2024, 7:36:11 AM

With Gorbad being the LL I'm 100% certain that we will get the Savage Orc Shaman Lord and Big Boss Hero. They are the only real big niches that are missing.

For the units I'm hoping for:

- Collossal Squig

- Squig Gobba

- Mangler Squigs

- Spear Chukka

- Big Stabbas

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Faithful Defender

Henric Kemmler and Krell will be banished by me Sword! For Quenelles!


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3 days ago

Jun 27, 2024, 7:39:18 AM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

With Gorbad being the LL I'm 100% certain that we will get the Savage Orc Shaman Lord and Big Boss Hero. They are the only real big niches that are missing.

For the units I'm hoping for:

- Collossal Squig

- Squig Gobba

- Mangler Squigs

- Spear Chukka

- Big Stabbas

your unit list is 100 percent as mine

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Worst case scenario for GS dlc - Total War: Warhammer (96)


Champion Of Chaos

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Worst case scenario for GS dlc - Total War: Warhammer (100)

3 days ago

Jun 27, 2024, 7:42:52 AM

TancredIIQuenelles#3970 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

With Gorbad being the LL I'm 100% certain that we will get the Savage Orc Shaman Lord and Big Boss Hero. They are the only real big niches that are missing.

For the units I'm hoping for:

- Collossal Squig

- Squig Gobba

- Mangler Squigs

- Spear Chukka

- Big Stabbas

your unit list is 100 percent as mine

The only real question I'm unsure about is the LH. Woudl love Snagla but also Borgut.

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Worst case scenario for GS dlc - Total War: Warhammer (2024)
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