Portsmouth Daily Times from Portsmouth, Ohio (2024)

Weather Forecast OHIO VALUrV-Cloudy continued mild today. Cloudy, somewhat coWer llondiy. you "ME 90, NO. 251 I For A BiliHiiUPortMoBtli laitttntton PORTSMOUTH, OHIO, 8UND4T, XOVKMBER 30, 1941 Two News Sections and Your Favorite Cornice Mifliii Fommouth, o. VIVE CENTS LSJJAYHGHT IN '42': ROOSEVELT THEY'RE THE NEWS; Navy Guns, Love PRESIDENT'S HINT COMES AS ORIENT TENSION MOUNTS Drops Remark During Special Dinner Al a i Institution On Ammal Visit; May Back To iisliington To Watch Events hat H.v Thr AMoriated A A Nov.

I'll--It i i a mill a a academies may be "I' A i a i i i i i 1 next Thaiiksgiv- ll tnid tonight. I ni lio ACCUSED OF MURDER arc these two boys, Paul Hoback (WO. IB. of Bluefield, W. and Tom 16, of LeeabuiT arrested in the slaying of Ward Loveless, prominent Wash- Attorney.

A BORROWED BOOK led to romance of Film Actress Astrid Allwyn and Charles Fee. west coast executive of an insurance company, who first saw Miss Allwyn when he returned a book to her sister. Cl VS FOR U. S. SHIPS are lined up here in the supply depot me I hiladelphia navy yard.

awaitiiiR installation" on merchant fcoats as a result of removal of their prohibition by congrws wiien revised neutrality. BOARD STRIVES TO AVERT RAIL STRIKE IL-NIGIITTAIK JHD mm Report Due On Roosevelt's Desk Monday; Work On Coal Mine Decision The AtKorfaifd A I Nov. 29--- country. Navy Winner; Oregon State In Rose Bowl ARMY SEEKS Bombs Kin TWO Germans NAZIS TRY LAST pOOTBALL got around to the "bowl" stage Saturday as most major teams finished then- schedules and began looking over bids from various sections of the i i i i board in the railroad L'- ti spuic undertook mcdia- troublesome issue lo: MI to avert a Uon'cvcll's emergency Navy polished off the Army. 14 to Fordham walloped New- York university, 30 lo fl; Texas i i a nosed out Southern Methodist, 15 to 1'J.

On the "bowl" front, Oregon te of 1.200,000 rail- Stale became the west coast rep- In New French Outbursts Paris Restaurant Is Scene Of Fatal Explosion; Rigid Curfew Clamped On Neighborhood As First Retalization Step; City Warned Before Of 'Grave Consequences' i a his ominous stiilenient a (lie possibil- I i i i 1 for 'I' 1 i Seerelary of a Hull hy telephone, i i 0 a i Premise of lat. i'' sl lln Hi" i.ilnatioii I Wl Mr. awaiting him on his return to the "littta 1 i TM "pressed the opinion that he mi i leave here tomorrow afternoon and arrive in Wash- Hidcki inS Vk 5latomonl Japanese Premier Premier Talks Of Purre In Orient "Thr premier scried earlier loday that Jap.ni would have to I do everytlung possible to wipe out i a vengeance'' British and I bulled States "exploitation" in the far east. Al foundation dinner President Roosevelt spoke of people in i her lands overrun or attacked and those in countries which are i he added solemnly: "I i we can offer up a i silent prayer that these people i be able to hold next year a Thanksgiving more like an American I hanki-giving. That is something lo dream about, perhaps.

of the carriers, "in a i ntiti Hit? operat- ii-. KH tin-red in three on the second floor hold and the met with the i turn, apparently l.Hir in a general confcr- resentative in the annual Rrae I Big Report Sought Monday; Club Donates Its Entire $500 Treasury The entire i Y. M. C. A.

campaign army began Saturday a weekend of intensive canvassing which it hopes will bring it by Monday within striking distance of the $42,000 goal it has set up to provide the with ils own clamping on a strict curfew in famed scene PARIS. Nov. 29-- The Germans announced tonight the death of two German soldiers and the wounding of many others in bombing attacks deliance of a Naxi warning that further such incidents would cause "grave consequences" fur tiie Paris population. The announcement was accompanied by an. order from Lieutenant General Ernst von Schaumburg, German commander of Paris ihi? L.

Morse an- board would through to- day Sunday in "U- report ready for Monday. lcd Unjustifiable to two days of irnin opjiosing sides, dean of the Ore- 1 law school, told 1 '-present atives of the tiioir employes that ihi 1 nation de- bowl classic by winning the Pacific coast crown and Georgia accepted an invitation to appear in the Orange bowl duel at Miami. TWO INJURED IN CRASH DN TRAIL Victims Have Broken Legs; Highfield Death Called Accidental dispute bc settled I and in the i 'S hf 1 1 on an operating brother- Two men were injured seriously Saturday afternoon in a motorcycle accident on Scioto trail, county authorities completed investigation of the death of Arnold the trail early uniu's- I Saturday and nine drivers were in municipal court. Injured at 4:45 p. m.

Saturday in an automobile-motorcycle ac- the board's rec- I cidcnt on the trail near Rosc' made Nov. 5. for mount road were Constable Rob- With the special gifts committee alrerdy having turned in a sizeable total, remains to be pledged before Tuesday night the campaign is due to close. Next report meeting is to be at First Christian church Monday when. General Chairman Robert R.

Leedom snid. "success or failure of campaign will be dc- Club Donates $500 Five hundred dollars was added to the fund total Saturday night by of the Old Inter- Church Luncheon club, who vol- cd to turn their treasury balance over to the Y. M. C. A.

I A calling a regular meeting of the members with postcard an- lounccment, officers of tiie club, which became inactive 10 years ago. propo.sed a the club's balance be turned over to the "Y's" building fund. The proposal was accepted unanimously. Chairman of the meeting was Charles E. Hard.

Miss Cora M. Swobby. who was treasurer of the club fund, reported a balance of on hand. Members of the of the latest attacks, and a warning that anyone venturing out there after 6 p. m.

would bc shot by Nazi patrols. The latest attacks shifted to liie far side of Montmarlre Hill- famed art and night life center--after previous explosions in the student quarter on the other Mcit. 1 of Paris. Thc Montmartro attacks were reported to have occurred in restaurants requisitioned for Germans. In addition to the Gcrmans, a French girl was said to have been killed.

"In days like these, our Thanksgiving next ye; ar mav re-mind us BlJt-Jt Jhdhlll i vein- mav remind us IAR AT MnvrilUi ul il is iwnyii i ssibi ihat JHD I ImJubUll rml BS nl "'V. hc i i for dof TM S1 nf Amor- Dash Down From Northwest Reds Recapture Rostov In Powerful Push By The Russian and German armies on the northwestern fringe of Mos- i i i of ours." re IP a week and half aRO. Jle and lie might have to RO back Sunday or the next day, but he did nut know. Whimsically, the Chief F.XCCU-i live noted that he had been un- llle btalcs JTM able to bo present on a i firat i ms the dnte cow's defense zone matched thuiri nr on i power Saturday night, the Wl alpr Tonight's dinner "and I dale" ly a lh notio mans striking through a wns sonielhinf! ol a "third are involved in a war of some I i or normal lives within them al onslauKli! ofiainst the capital Thanksgivini; dinner" for him. and the Russians fiercely a stresses II.

S. Peace ing to halt them i a fonsive. The fate of And he said, tins a year for riiank "peeially be- ius( people. in the 110 be wrapped up in tin- ques- i dinniK riioin. in the con tion of whether the Hod army i the slate and the Unite I could strike the German a i States were in a very unique po- hard and deep enouyli to deflect i i i today.

are ahno.st completely blotted out 'or controlled by a dictator." Lending up to his remark that from the military and naval bc fighting the drive. They came on the heels of previous bombings in which no lives were lost, but which brought from von Schaumburg a l.OOO.OOO-franc i Tnc nusiia wm (officially S20.000) fine on the city of Paris and a warning of "grave sweeping across tile ice-paved consequences" if the attack's continued. Volga, driving the Germans out The curfew on all public places I lown ftlr lmv i 'in the Montmartre district was inin scctor mil(ls I set for a half hour before T' curfew on individuals in 1 Sp Ahcill The Germans announced i i 'defense in a year, the President i a i had listened to broadcasts oi two football names this I (Turn lo ROOSEVELT, Fajje PLAN REPORT ON SELBY SESSIONS All Of Orient Nervous; Thailand Fears War Near streets. Notice was served that B-Thr irru Japan declared her German patrols would use fire- swift succession the cnplure nf i a i Saturday night lo arms against anybody keeping three importnnt strongpninls be- club "chipped in" the $1.14 need- increases. Four- ort Henry, 28, of Lucasville, route i i brotherhoods 1.

and his neighbor, Vaughn Doll, 1 I a formal strike 122, of Lucasville route 1, employe (Turn DRIVE, Page 11) notified members I of the Taylor Stone McDcr- fr one. niott. I BANKS HELP SANTA Harrison, appearing Roth Have Broken Legs MB railway I fioth flrp suffering from com Christmas Club Checks For 500 Go To 7.453 Security Central National bank, National Bank of Portsmouth Union Leaders To Outline Negotiations; Company Makes Final Offer tiieir windows open from 6 p. m. tween a i i and Moscow i purge and British in- lluciicf from A.

ia "wiili A vole on proposals made on. Volokolamsk, fijj miles from the Von Schaumburg's notice said- i a i i i 50 1lics i declaration v.as made "It is learned that two German i jnetschnofsorski, 31 a a soldier-premier, i a soldiers have been killed as a Meanwhile, on southern Ihdcki Tojo, in the midst ot result of an attack with explos- i front. Soviet troops recaptured i these ominous developments in ives against a restaurant in the Rostov-on-Don to score one of tin th 18th arrondissem*nt and many bisfiest setbacks yet experienced Japanese eaijinet met in the union and the company oU)crs 3 by lhc Gcrmans and special H.SSJOII ior m(i negotiations for a Selby Shoe Co. contract mav be taken i Punishment Rigid afternoon at a meelini; in Radio- As punishment he listed the land called bv Selby local of the following measures of retaliation: ekl a i a United Shocworkers of America. A curfew al 5:30 p.

m. in These proposals, union officials part of the IDtli arrondissem*nl, I lh A bulletin from Adolf Hitler 1 eld a i i i Gcrmnn forces had fallen hack iiifi i the massing of land and naval forces in French. Indn-Chimi a drive against 4 Uungkok advices oaid Thai troops with military rtjuipmc'iH have a up po- Mlions along the borders ol l)oili Indo-C'hina and British Ma I ay u. The official Bangkok radio puuml out a steady stream of warnings to the population a lo consider 111 1 5 1 lju near-ultimatum from Wash- Pacific crisis: incfuishinfi strategic for the (Turn to WAR, Page i place thousands of an economic 'i our substandard 1 thp only time in we should get an i Protest Fort, counsel I Mr. Henry's left leg is broken above the ankle and Mr.

Doll's right leg is broken mid- xvay between the ankle and knee. Deputy Sheriff Landon Ball investigated the accident and said the motorcycle, which was driv- and Portsmouth Banking Co. Sat- urady mailed checks to 7,45:1 Christmas club members for a total of $205,500. The checks will be received said, will determine "the where the attack took place! Rostov their course to be followed by the Cirip mas, theaters and all other negotiating committee and bv the establishments and membership at Brants must close at 5:30 p. m.

I The meeting is scheduled to the sector all cir- open at 2:30 p. m. Chairs i culation of civilian population be provided for all, union offi- rnust starting at 6 p. m. cials said.

i Windows must bc kept closed. Frank McGrath, national presi- safe-conducts reuse to dent of the United Shoeworkcrs, noltl in that part of the 18lh t'as en route Saturday night from arrondisscment. D(nnei announced lh? first Japanese raid in months on the Burma road, rnule for U. S. aid i 1 1 lnin 1 in iic (jf the duiiDlin" "I tin i i i hux'c in Inclo- i rra.

Hit- Anicri- I a policy (ipjjn.sitin and a.q^i-es::i:Mi LONDON HEAfiVICHY Slates i i i the an; i be- h.nd his foreign policy i i i i to anywhere on t'jtrlh. was reported i i i a 2'JD planes. The Chine.st.' feared the Jap- ancho a a on a i a tho CliincKc i province of (Turn t.j OKIENT, Page: 9) Atlanta to address the "meeting i arms today. Also on the program i ajzaifcst any violator of these he George Martin of i i a i orders. GIVES NAZIS BASES Premier Sayg Mugt Rid Points In Africa Reported Already Taken Over en by Constable crashed into the left Robert Henry, Monday in plenty of time to look ur eft rear fender i after Christmas shopping The A mal representative of the joint committee, 1of an a nl omob "jrivpn by'ciif- banks already have opened rt 8 Columbus.

JM2 Christmas clubs. findings of The bombed restaurant wa? believed to have been one of Mont- company and un- martre's numcrou5 small cstab East Asia Of 'Outsiders' ing north on the highway on the Ford Schaeffer. 48, of Columbus. Mr. Schaeffer, employed Ironton and en route to his home brotherhoods 1 of 30 per cent whose 1 1C roat when the -So a dav up He said the hour for motorcycle driver started to pass his automobile and crashed into the Schaeffer car to avoid an accident with a car which was traveling in the opposite direction.

A meeting iivhmcnts requisitioned use (Turn to SELBY, Page Jl) of German army men. i Prru LONDON, Nov. 2H--A foreifip source reported i I a i Vichy government has yielded to nation By Thr AtMtrUtf'J Press TOKYO. Nov. Premier practice from cast Asia with a vengeance," ai ,,0 i 'OPM' Means '0 Promise Me' As a As German demands for air and American influence val control in French North A cast Asia "with a rica along both the McdHcrran-' As the Japanese cabinet met I i i Tojo solcmnlv and publicly tonight 'tho lorical tics between Japan, China if Japan Id purnc British MnnnK pr( mio strcssC(J hc nti in Are Concerned; They're Loaded For Yuletide! can and Atlantic.

in special session for a second Supervision of four air day In consider the United States and Monchukuo and the necessity of nations of east Asia to work together for mutual prosperity without outside influence. Thc press generally showed formerly jinked by the French note outlining America's policies arM airline-. Air France. in the orient, Tojo broadcast this concern ovsr the future of Thai- HOARD. Page 9) B'-RYMOORE LOOSE pOOR old Santa Claus.

His 01-, any of his promises this year, been downtown recently. already has been taken over by message lo the people of Japan, ficc is swamped these days then its jusl because you haven't i Priorities or no priorities, ali i German officers, ground China and Manchukuo: with letters marked OPM. Mho wherewithal for a big personnel, this source said. rtf Finally Becomes I mil defense conscious as he is. he's.

probably the- only person in Tnvels 271 Fett After Crash i whole wide world who doesn't Thc motorcycle traveled 270 lel OPM botn( i Nov. 20--The feet alter the crash and the driv- binding was clipped No sirl He knows those three I tliresd binding er went 212 feet. Deputy Ball i stand for a lot of thin 8 I said Mr. Doll traveled 150 beside Mr. Knudsen department; from where the cycle hit the i Washington.

But years ago he who once autotomobile. decided that whenever they were R.irryrrnn across The victims were rushed to i found wywhere around a Christ- tempeMu- port-mouth Oeneral hospi a I. a list mcant nply: months, oh- v.here the fractures reduced 1 0 1 0 i divorce dccicc And if you i for one rno-. 2 INJURED, Page hc'i going tu go back "The fact that Chiang Kai-shek mas is at hand In Portsmouth The modern Tunisian port of i dancing to the tune of Britain I'tores. one of France's wartime America and Communism at the The gayest decorations in years naval bases likewise has of able-bodied and (have been strung up on down-)yielded, he town streets, are i 1 (Thc free French radio at Brazi rned with holiday merchandise of zaville, heard by the NBC in New a sorts and Ihe merchants have York, charged that German se- outdonc themselves in their ef- ag'nts are pouring into forts to get complete stocks in i early.

French Morocco in such that they form the nucleua of Ever since the middle of the 1 5ms Christmas goods have None of these could be been arriving. Purchases of rner- confirmed immediately In -either American circlet i (Turn to SHOPPING, Page I London. The Japan Times Advertiser, organ of the foreign offke, said in a page 1 editorial that Japan must keep and Thailand free from "encircling sislancc against Japan, is due United ritain nd States to fish troubled waters of cast Asia by nddcd that Japan would be oing a scrvico prcv ntin hosilc forws from occl in pitting cast Asiatic i a i a against one another and to rasp i Thcrc w)1 no indication ol hegemony in east Asia. i whether the special cabinet MS- This is the stock in trade of ons hnd dcci dcd.on any step. Britain and the United States.

rjomci. Japanese news the honor and pride of man- -I kind we must purge this sort of I (Turn to TOJO, II).

Portsmouth Daily Times from Portsmouth, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.